Tuesday, December 20, 2011


  1. is it bad that at first I thought that cat's tail was...something else.

  2. >>Should I just leave a comment on something or some shit?
    >That'll work fine
    Yeah, this is that guy who offered up a Steam purchase of sorts if that's really you who replied to my thread.

  3. @Vitiel

    Yes, did you have something in mind? (also I don't have a steam account, so I don't really need anything in return)

  4. http://i.imgur.com/WTqw6.jpg
    Rule 63 of this guy with some nice degree of plumpness, while keeping his general attire and not adding TOO much femininity (like keep the hair about the same length). Mostly revealed tits with cameltoe would be nice too I guess.

    I'd be willing to do PayPal too especially if colored.
